
Saturday, May 30, 2009

just wanna say....


a very short post....
just wanna say goodbye...doakan aku dapat menjalani hidup di sana...
sekian, wassalam...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hari2 terakhirku..

Tomorrow, im gonna pursue my study at IKIP Kuantan for preparation class before going to Egypt, InsyaAllah. Im very busy with medical check-up, doing something that i have to do just like before entering my former school, kisas, finishing the application form and a few other things more..Im really busy..

Actually, I had applied to pursue my studies at Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) where my dreamt university..There are many positive information I got from my friends about this university; beautiful, up-to-date facility anddd...... Jordan is the one of the country where winter gonna take dreamed to touch a snow, to throw a snow...I wonder how its feel to touch a snow because I've only a chance to see a snow from TV..but it's ok, University of Alexandria is not too brother told me that Alexandria is a beautiful place too because this university is near to the beach. Maybe this gonna be the place to release my stress..

Once again I think, am I really choose the path that I want?? Or I choose based on the works opportunity?? Erm..I hope I really choose the best path that I should choose because there is no turning back.. I hope I will not regret my choice.. Biology, Chemistry, is not the subject that should be taken for granted because the subject really really really tough..maybe hope and prayer is the only medicine for my dilemma.. Now, the only things that I should bare in my mind that i can do it!!!!No pain no gain!! yeah.........

My last words is please pray for me, my readers that I can face this new challenging world.. Just wishing all of you..All the best..Do your best wherever you are. Because of Allah we meet and because of Allah we separate...

-hope this is not my last post-

Friday, May 22, 2009


Hari demi hari, boikot produk yahudi dan sekutunya makin dilupakan oleh mayarakat khususnya agama islam sendiri...kenapa? Adakah kerana tiada lagi serangan yang dibuat oleh yahudi terhadap Palestin? Nak atau tidak kita tetap perlu memboikot barangan mereka kerana mereka tidak berhenti2 untuk membuat perancangan memusnahkan umat islam di Palestin. Ulama' Dr Yusof Qordawi telah mewajibkan barangan mereka diboikot dan pendapat Ulama' tersebut telah dipersetujui oleh semua ulama yang lain.

Barangan mereka bukanlah semuanya haram dari segi zatnya tetapi barangan mereka haram dari segi perkara yang mendatang contohnya dengan duit keuntungan tersebut akan disumbangkan untuk membeli kelengkapan senjata bagi meneruskan agenda menyerang Palestin. Ulama' menggunakan ayat Quran ini sebagai hujah untuk memboikot barangan mereka iaitu (maksudnya) "tolong menolonglah kamu dalam kebaikan dan janganlah kamu tolong menolong dalam sesuatu keburukan".

Oleh itu tanyalah diri kita sendiri adakah kita masih memboikot barangan mereka bak kata pepatah tepuk dada tanya selera. Isu boikot adalah isu umat islam dan bukan isu untuk diremehkan. Ingatlah makanan yang kita makan akan mendarah daging kita dan daging yang haram hanya untuk dibakar di api neraka (nauzubillah). Dengan ini saya mempromosi barang2 keluaran umat islam. Gunalah HPA....Gantikan KFC, McD dengan RFC (Radix fried chicken). Harap RFC juga ada di tempat saya iaitu di Selangor dan kami sangat2 menantikannya. Mengapa beli di Tesco sekiranya ada Mydin? Dan juga barang2 yang lain. Saya ingin meminta pendapat sahabat yang terbaca agar memberi komen mengenai 'KFC milik Johor Holdings'. Manalah tau saya tersalah tulis...
Moga2 ak juga memboikot barangan tersebut. Hidung ak ni asyik nak makan KFC je..huhu. Kalau ade bende yang salah sila bg komen....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

selangkah kehadapan...

I would like to congratulate for those who already get JPA scholarship, petronas etc...Right now, im waiting for MARA scholarship..hope for the best... Also i would like to congratulate for those who already pursue their study in Matriks and gonna have a chance to continue their study in any universities... Hope you would do your best in whatever field of studies you choose...

I would like to beg forgiveness to everyone who call me friends if i made any mistake... I'm very appreciate it..keep in touch kay.. Honestly, I'm not a good friends, I've no talent to attract somebody to be friends with me.. maybe sometimes only.. and I've lost connection with many of my former primary school... Sometimes I hate myself.. I've lots of weakness and only Allah knows because I manage to hide it out..

I dunno what is my specialty.. Learning? sports? speaking? erm.. I think non of them are my specialty... But I am still grateful because I'm given a chance to be alive, to have a friends and family which make my life more colourful and wonderful.. to have a chance to be in a good school.. And to proof that i can also grab a success with hardworking and a prayer made by my buddies...
-just to express my feeling that I kept long ago-

p/s: sje nk tulis2 wktu boring2..huhu..

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


tag 'ikhlas' dari daripada Muhammad..

apakah bidang kerjaya yang anda inginkan pada masa depan?
kalau boleh nak jadi doktor..specialist in opthalmology..nak tau sebab pe? erm..x perlu kot

apakah dengan kerjaya pilihan anda ini dpt menyumbang kpd pembangunan Malaysia? Bagaimana?
doktor pun menyumbang juga..kalau tiada doktor, siape nak berusaha menyelamatkan mengubati pesakit yang akan membangunkan negara..? huhu

anda suka debat (xkisah le bm ke bi...)? Mengapa?
erm..kekadang terasa suka juga bila tercabar secara agreesive..sampaikan orang yang nak berdebat dengan aku tu pun tak faham ape yang ak debatkan..huhuhu..zaman dulu kala..
bm and bi sama sahaja..tapi kalau bm lagi (smka) pedas la...haha

anda suka permainan apa? senaraikan 5.
jap2..permainan ape? video game? ke sport?
kalau sport...1.badminton (memang aku minat sejak kecik dulu)
2.bola keranjang..
4.bola tampar pong
kesimpulannye..sebenarnye ak lebih suka permainan yang melibatkan tangan daripada kaki...
klu video game aku dah senaraikan dah dalam post yang lepas...tapi tambah satu..NEW ARRIVE..Red Alert 3..huhu

apakah pesanan yg anda slalu btau pd rakan2?
erm..tak pasti...ade ke yang ingat?huhu....

apakah komen anda ttg KP 07/08? (general je...kalo nk target org jgn tlebih plak)
ok la kot...kire masih bleh target orang la? muhammad lu manyak bikin slack la...huhu..sje je nk meraban..

Friday, May 1, 2009

Cuti oh cuti..

Last Thursday, my friend invite me to play ice skating at Sunway Pyramid, Subang Jaya. Actually I'm never go there before, so i grabbed this chance to gain some experience. They were ten of us-Firdaus, Yen, Naufal, Hanis, Che, Aqil, Squall (Amirul fikri), Sadiq, Azim and myself...Squall who live in Perak and Che in Terengganu can follow us too because they stay with their relative house.

Around 11 a.m, we start to play ice skating. Kinda excited to be there because this is my 1st time..The payment for the entrancement was RM13 only for those who already brought with them gloves and socks. I paid Rm21 to include the gloves as I didn't bring it. Then we were given an ice skating shoes based on our size...

The real ice skating began...It was very difficult to stand up and balance my body for the 1st time...Then after a few practice, I did manage to balance myself and make a slow move... I'm just pretty jealous to aqil because he did skating like a pro...Maybe he is a kind of good in many activities...a bless from Allah..

We play nearly 3 hours.. Quite exhausted.. Then we took a lunch..

Ok, this is just a few from me...just want to share my experience.. because expert said sharing is caring...(btul ke?) I will end my writing with my result for matrix and upu. I got matrix at Penang and Tamhidi perubatan at Usim.. Pray that I make a wise choice..

episodic memory

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