
Monday, November 30, 2009

Kullu sannah waanta/ti bitoib..

Atau mksdnye setiap tahun dan anda baik. Ucapan nie selalunye digunakan time raye x kire la time aidil adha ke time aidil fitri. Antara cuti paling lme cuti aidil adha, seminggu++. Hari pertama pergi Kaherah.

Hari 1st solat kt suk' sayyarah (tapak pasar kereta).. Ni antara special kt cni, ade pasar kereta lagi~~Kt situ pergi rumah tajaan negeri masing2, Selangor , Kelantan (open house), Pahang (rumah kwn IKIP), DMAK(dwn Melayu abbasiah Kaherah), Rumah pelajar tajaan Amanah Raya n pergi rumah abang. Sepanjang kat Kaherah makan jela.. daging lembu+kambing+unta..

rumah tajaan Amanah Raya..
dahsyat jgk umah diorng..

Kemudian sempat be'reunion' dgn dak Kisas yang lain berdekatan dengan rumah Selangor dan Terengganu, kebanyakannye daripada Amanah Raya. Memang x-KI ni terlampau ramai kt Mesir. Macam kampung x-KI pulak da~~


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Unwind the hassle...?

Cuti sehari diguna sebaik mungkin untuk mengikuti lawatan yang dianjurkan oleh pihak universiti ke Dream Park, Kaherah atau ala2 Genting Highland skit. Dream park nie taman tema paling besar di midde east tu! Bertolak macam biase, kate pukul 7 tp gerak dalam pukul 8.20 pagi. Pagi tu ingat sarapan sedia, rupanye tak. Terpakse la berlapar dr pagi hingga sampai ke dream park kira2 11 lebih. Bile dah sampai pe lagi? Main sepuas mungkin n terlupe nk mkn..huhu
roller coaster terbalik!!
pemandangan kt cni wktu mlm..

Antara tempat yang paling best roller coaster berbayar, 10 genih atau convert duit m'sia, RM6.50. Tunggu, beratur sejam berbaloi jgk la. Pastu main roller coaster free, dark train (roller coaster kt dlm bgunn. Ade gak men roller coaster air (mcm gelongsor air skit..huhu).. Best gler~~mmg tension hilang abis~~

Friday, November 6, 2009

Nikmat makan nasi..

Makan nasi? yeah..makan nasi kat Mesir merupakan salah satu nikmat makan pelajar M'sia..
Cuti satu hari iaitu hari jumaat digunakan sebaik untuk berjalan2 mencari makan di sekitar bandar Alex..tak cari pon, ikut orang yang tau tempatnye je..tmptnye agak jauh dari asrama mara dan nama kedai tersebut ialah HADAROL MOUT di Mandara, Alex. Kalau nak pegi situ kene naik trenko/ van angkut org dan kene bayar 1.25LE.

Kat situ ade macam2 jenis nasi; briyani,kabsah, turki, mandi dan lain2. Mandi? Ntah la..dh nme die cmtu..huhu. Habis duit sekitar 11 genih atau convertkan dlm M'sia sekitar rm7..

mmg satu kepuasan dpt makan nasi kt Mesir lagi2 nasi briyani dgn rubu' firakh/suku ayam..teringat plk masakn M'sia..huhu

Monday, November 2, 2009


Tahun ni sistem pendidikan Alex berubah. Belajar subjeck ikut block n ikut modul. Habis je modul akan ade test. Modul pertama belajar biostatistic, medical ethics, study skills, medical history dan E-learning. Memule study boleh kte relax skit sebab x mule lagi subjek core mcm anat, phisio, biochem etc...masih kurang terasa macam 'ak nie akan jadi doktor ke'?..Hmm...

Bebaru nie baru habis test utk modul prtama dan baru mule modul kedua. Kali nie baru mule belajar subjek core; Phisio, biochem...Barulah terasa betapa banyak yang ak perlu belajar dalam medic ni dan terasa sedikit kepayahannya...Harap ak bleh deal dgnye~...

bebaru nie baru msk musim sejuk. Fuh.. Pengalaman merase musim sejuk kali pertama walaupun x de salji... nak x nk kene pakai sweater g klas...

ntah mende pe ntah ak tulis..ngarut je...haha
ok, salam...

Monday, October 26, 2009


sekarang nak citer psl sekitar kehidupan di Mesir...
  1. kebanyakan daripada orang Mesir sangat peramah, jumpa org M'sia je tegur. Cth:sobahal khir, salam, dll
  2. Nek teksi mesti deal harga dulu sebelum naik kalau nak harga murah, kekadang smpai kene gaduh dulu sebab klu x nnti kene bayar cekik darah..huhu
  3. makanan ruji kt cni roti atau nama lainnya I'sy..jumpe nasi jarang sekali, klu ade pun mahal..
  4. klu dtg masjid, kene simpan selipar kt dalam masjid klu nak selipar selamat..hampir sume org mesir simpan selipar kt dlm masjid...
  5. ok,..psl kereta pulak, biasenye boleh kate hampir semua kereta kt mesir ade calar kecuali yg baru..,antara diorng parking..keadaan mcm nie mmg biase kt Mesir..huhu
  6. Kekadang klu bernasib baik, ade bau hancing kt tepi jalan kws bandar...mksdnye??
  7. Lagi satu kt sini ade banyak kedai2 tepi jalan yang jual a'sir aka jus..harga berpatutan, fresh n sedap giler!! Antara yang paling popular air tebu...atau bhs ammiahnye 'asob'...

Biase la ragam manusia..ade baik ade jahat. Tp disebalik ape yang diceritakan sebentar td, aku tetap bersyukur berada di Mesir kerana Mesir bumi Anbia', dan bumi seribu menara iaitu masjid bersepah kt mne2 je...huhu..best2.
Kesimpulannye saye x menyesal dpt belajar kt Mesir...heh~

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Bye M'sia..Selamat dtg Mesir..

Sudah terlalu lama blog nie sunyi sepi, sekarang saya mahu meng'update'kn blog nie mengenai diriku di Mesir. Sebelum itu saya rasa masih belum terlambat untuk saya mengucapkan Selamat hari raya kepada insan yang mengenali diri ini, maaf zahir batin. Saya juga sangat menghargai rakan2 saya yang sanggup datang menjenguk kami semasa di airport pada 30/9 yg lps, moga persahabatan kita kekal dengan redaNya.

5 hari pertama di Mesir

bertolak dr KLIA pada oleh pukul 11.45 mlm dan alhamdulillah sampai di Kaherah lbh kurang pukul 12 wktu M'sia. Setibanya kami di sana, kami di sambut oleh senior dan kami dibawa ke asrama melayu (ARMA) atau nama lainnya Dewan Melayu Abbasiah Kaherah (DMAK). Kami dibawa sekitar Kaherah dan tempat2 lain...
di depan piramid Giza..di depan spinx..
di depan masjid sultan Hassan..

di depan makam imam syafie
di depan ARMA
kubu salahuddin ayubi
Di Alexandria

Setelah selesai orientasi di Kaherah, kami bertolak ke Alexandria yg prjalanannya kire2 3-4 jam. Alexandria merupakan antara bandar yang termaju di Mesir dan saya sangat mensyukurinya kerana diberi peluang untuk ke Alexandria..Kami juga dibawa di sekitar Alex, antaranya...

di depan perpustakaan alex

tu je la kot...sje buat ayat skema skit..hehe..;)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Ujian Allah yg seberape pdku..

fuhh..pejam celik pejam celik rupenye2 lg sbln lg ak nk abis kiba nie...n insyaAllah akn g mesir...
seram sejuk pulak dibuatnye..erm..melalut plk...

ujian Allah semasa ak nk balik rumah..
sje nk citer pengalaman n ujian yg Allah bg kt ak, k kisah pertama, ketika ak nk balik ke rumah utk settlekn hal MARA...dgn happlynye ak mintk ustz utk blk pd wktu pg khamis, n pg tu gk ak blk, dr cherating tu ak kene tggu bas yg diberi nama SIHAT utk pegi ke stesen bas Kuantan, ak tggula kt pondok yg nmpk mcm pondok tggu bas yg berdekatan, dlm stgh jam ak tggu, bas tu pun dtg, ape lg ak buat la isyarat suruh bas tu berhenti, dgn selambenye bas tu meneruskan prjlnn dgn 'dek,nye' n berhenti kt stesen sterusnye kire 50m dr tmpt ak, ak pe lg, speed dgn sesungguhnye ke situ, kire2 25m lg nk smpai, bas tu gerak...wa..ten bbision gler mne x nye ak kene tggu sejam lg utk bas yg lain..jd dgn sabarnye ak pun tggu lg...utk x mngulangi kesilapn yg lalu, ak tnye pd mkcik tempatn tentang bas...mak cik tu suh ak tggu kt stesen strusnye sbb mmg bas tu slalu berhenti kt ctu..

dgn tension+letih+sabarnye ak tggu lg utk bas strusnye...beberape minit kemudian ade plk teksi dtg n drivernye keluar, die kte nak rehat kejap sbb die anta spe ntah sjk kol 3 pg td.. pstu tetibe pkcik teksi tu offer nk anta ak ke Kuantan dgn bayaran rm10. Memule pk bapak mahal bayaran, tp bile dipujuk oleh pkcik tu die kte kire murah sbb smpai kuantan kene nek teksi lg utk ke stesen bas dgn rm10. Ak pun naikla...Alhamdulillah dpt gk org yg bek hati bg rm10 je utk ke kuantan. Dlm perjlnn ade plk roadblock, ak ingtkn bleh lps cmtu je..rupenye teksi tu kene tahan n die x bayar lg utk pe ntah..tggu lg dlm 10 min, kemudian gerak hgga smpai stesen bas...fuh..Alhamdulillah, lega dpt gk smpai Kuantan stelah hampir sejam dlm teksi yg x be'aircond'...

pstu beli plk tiket bas secare mubasyar atau direct ke Shah Alam. pegi cc jap sementara nk tggu bas tiket ak, dlm dekat nk pukul 1.30 ak pun solat.. beli roti sbb maleh nk lunch, pstu tggu smpai kol 2 ptg...dlm dkt pukul 2 ak nmpk bas yg sme sperti dlm tiket gerak.., ak dgn cuaknye kejar bas tu dgn spenuh hati ak n tahan bas tu sbb ak x nk mengulangi kesilapn yg lme iaitu trlps bas, dhla harga tiket mahal.. lps ak tahan bas tu pun pelik n dgn muke tensionnye kte adik nk g mne ?? ak kte la nk g Shah Alam, pstu driver tu kte bas ni pegi K.Terengganu la...dgn malunye ak cover2 dgn duk kt kedai mkn yg berdktn sbb ade org lain pndng time tu...

tggu2 punye tggu ade lg bas sme mcm ak tp bkn tempat ak..arh...tension asl lmbt sgt bas nie?? dlm 2.30 tu brla bas ak dtg n anta smpai ke Shah Alam...Alhamdulillah smpai gk Shah Alam..!!

  1. tanye penduduk tempatan betul ke tempat yg kite tggu tu mmg stesen bas.
  2. pastikan same ade bas yg kite naik tu mmg btul2 bas kite atau x
  3. sabar dengan ujian Allah...

Monday, June 29, 2009

brcuti? no la...

ade lg biah solehah skit2 kt cni...mne ak??

jakun pgg belangkas...usaid pki baju pe tu??

sje nk tunjuk ade aircond...keh3

ni ruang tamu...ade tmpt make up lg..hehe
ni suasana wktu siang drpd balkoni...

antra prgrm yg ade..choral speaking, 3 bhs..
knl x spe yg pki sweater tu??sweater pe yg die pki?

smpt lg buat istana pasir..bentuk bintang tu...

nie la yg kitorng buat time free2...(jeolous..?hehe)

pemandangn wktu mlm kt cni...swimming pool!!!?

sje nk tunjuk tmpt yg ak blaja nie..hehe, mungkin nie nikmat smentara sblm pegi mesir..papepun doakn ak dpt blaja elok2...harap2 ak x terlalai la dgn nikmat2 nie shgga ak anggap nie satu la wei!!!

adios...cau..erh2...lupe, assalamualaikum...........,,,selamat tggl....

Friday, June 12, 2009


Dah lame beno x update blog nie...waahishtani awi (rindu sgt)
update pun ime outing...

saje nk citer ape yang terjadi kt ak selame kt cni..ak blaja kt cherating bay resort tu..
ak ingt kn blaja kt klej ikip rupenye blaja kt resort..kt cni ak blaja arab je tp cume ade blaja arab ammiah le..(bhs pasar mesir)
ramai yg dtg cni x de basic arab lngsung sbb ramai dr mrsm, jd ak rse mcm ak bercuti salama kt cni sbb ak dh ade arab dh..jd x de ssh sgt nk catch up ape yg diajarkn, alhamdulillah...
dpt bayangkn x ak selama 3 bulan kt cni blaja arab je..tmpt lain dh blaja subjek medic dh...hmm..
satu umah 4 org tp tido ade air-cond tu..fuh2.....ade swimming pool lg tp klu nk mandi kene minta izin kt ustaz la..itu je la kot..klu ade mse ak letak gamba kt cni..

salam, ahlan, maa' salamah......

Saturday, May 30, 2009

just wanna say....


a very short post....
just wanna say goodbye...doakan aku dapat menjalani hidup di sana...
sekian, wassalam...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hari2 terakhirku..

Tomorrow, im gonna pursue my study at IKIP Kuantan for preparation class before going to Egypt, InsyaAllah. Im very busy with medical check-up, doing something that i have to do just like before entering my former school, kisas, finishing the application form and a few other things more..Im really busy..

Actually, I had applied to pursue my studies at Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) where my dreamt university..There are many positive information I got from my friends about this university; beautiful, up-to-date facility anddd...... Jordan is the one of the country where winter gonna take dreamed to touch a snow, to throw a snow...I wonder how its feel to touch a snow because I've only a chance to see a snow from TV..but it's ok, University of Alexandria is not too brother told me that Alexandria is a beautiful place too because this university is near to the beach. Maybe this gonna be the place to release my stress..

Once again I think, am I really choose the path that I want?? Or I choose based on the works opportunity?? Erm..I hope I really choose the best path that I should choose because there is no turning back.. I hope I will not regret my choice.. Biology, Chemistry, is not the subject that should be taken for granted because the subject really really really tough..maybe hope and prayer is the only medicine for my dilemma.. Now, the only things that I should bare in my mind that i can do it!!!!No pain no gain!! yeah.........

My last words is please pray for me, my readers that I can face this new challenging world.. Just wishing all of you..All the best..Do your best wherever you are. Because of Allah we meet and because of Allah we separate...

-hope this is not my last post-

Friday, May 22, 2009


Hari demi hari, boikot produk yahudi dan sekutunya makin dilupakan oleh mayarakat khususnya agama islam sendiri...kenapa? Adakah kerana tiada lagi serangan yang dibuat oleh yahudi terhadap Palestin? Nak atau tidak kita tetap perlu memboikot barangan mereka kerana mereka tidak berhenti2 untuk membuat perancangan memusnahkan umat islam di Palestin. Ulama' Dr Yusof Qordawi telah mewajibkan barangan mereka diboikot dan pendapat Ulama' tersebut telah dipersetujui oleh semua ulama yang lain.

Barangan mereka bukanlah semuanya haram dari segi zatnya tetapi barangan mereka haram dari segi perkara yang mendatang contohnya dengan duit keuntungan tersebut akan disumbangkan untuk membeli kelengkapan senjata bagi meneruskan agenda menyerang Palestin. Ulama' menggunakan ayat Quran ini sebagai hujah untuk memboikot barangan mereka iaitu (maksudnya) "tolong menolonglah kamu dalam kebaikan dan janganlah kamu tolong menolong dalam sesuatu keburukan".

Oleh itu tanyalah diri kita sendiri adakah kita masih memboikot barangan mereka bak kata pepatah tepuk dada tanya selera. Isu boikot adalah isu umat islam dan bukan isu untuk diremehkan. Ingatlah makanan yang kita makan akan mendarah daging kita dan daging yang haram hanya untuk dibakar di api neraka (nauzubillah). Dengan ini saya mempromosi barang2 keluaran umat islam. Gunalah HPA....Gantikan KFC, McD dengan RFC (Radix fried chicken). Harap RFC juga ada di tempat saya iaitu di Selangor dan kami sangat2 menantikannya. Mengapa beli di Tesco sekiranya ada Mydin? Dan juga barang2 yang lain. Saya ingin meminta pendapat sahabat yang terbaca agar memberi komen mengenai 'KFC milik Johor Holdings'. Manalah tau saya tersalah tulis...
Moga2 ak juga memboikot barangan tersebut. Hidung ak ni asyik nak makan KFC je..huhu. Kalau ade bende yang salah sila bg komen....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

selangkah kehadapan...

I would like to congratulate for those who already get JPA scholarship, petronas etc...Right now, im waiting for MARA scholarship..hope for the best... Also i would like to congratulate for those who already pursue their study in Matriks and gonna have a chance to continue their study in any universities... Hope you would do your best in whatever field of studies you choose...

I would like to beg forgiveness to everyone who call me friends if i made any mistake... I'm very appreciate it..keep in touch kay.. Honestly, I'm not a good friends, I've no talent to attract somebody to be friends with me.. maybe sometimes only.. and I've lost connection with many of my former primary school... Sometimes I hate myself.. I've lots of weakness and only Allah knows because I manage to hide it out..

I dunno what is my specialty.. Learning? sports? speaking? erm.. I think non of them are my specialty... But I am still grateful because I'm given a chance to be alive, to have a friends and family which make my life more colourful and wonderful.. to have a chance to be in a good school.. And to proof that i can also grab a success with hardworking and a prayer made by my buddies...
-just to express my feeling that I kept long ago-

p/s: sje nk tulis2 wktu boring2..huhu..

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


tag 'ikhlas' dari daripada Muhammad..

apakah bidang kerjaya yang anda inginkan pada masa depan?
kalau boleh nak jadi doktor..specialist in opthalmology..nak tau sebab pe? erm..x perlu kot

apakah dengan kerjaya pilihan anda ini dpt menyumbang kpd pembangunan Malaysia? Bagaimana?
doktor pun menyumbang juga..kalau tiada doktor, siape nak berusaha menyelamatkan mengubati pesakit yang akan membangunkan negara..? huhu

anda suka debat (xkisah le bm ke bi...)? Mengapa?
erm..kekadang terasa suka juga bila tercabar secara agreesive..sampaikan orang yang nak berdebat dengan aku tu pun tak faham ape yang ak debatkan..huhuhu..zaman dulu kala..
bm and bi sama sahaja..tapi kalau bm lagi (smka) pedas la...haha

anda suka permainan apa? senaraikan 5.
jap2..permainan ape? video game? ke sport?
kalau sport...1.badminton (memang aku minat sejak kecik dulu)
2.bola keranjang..
4.bola tampar pong
kesimpulannye..sebenarnye ak lebih suka permainan yang melibatkan tangan daripada kaki...
klu video game aku dah senaraikan dah dalam post yang lepas...tapi tambah satu..NEW ARRIVE..Red Alert 3..huhu

apakah pesanan yg anda slalu btau pd rakan2?
erm..tak pasti...ade ke yang ingat?huhu....

apakah komen anda ttg KP 07/08? (general je...kalo nk target org jgn tlebih plak)
ok la kot...kire masih bleh target orang la? muhammad lu manyak bikin slack la...huhu..sje je nk meraban..

Friday, May 1, 2009

Cuti oh cuti..

Last Thursday, my friend invite me to play ice skating at Sunway Pyramid, Subang Jaya. Actually I'm never go there before, so i grabbed this chance to gain some experience. They were ten of us-Firdaus, Yen, Naufal, Hanis, Che, Aqil, Squall (Amirul fikri), Sadiq, Azim and myself...Squall who live in Perak and Che in Terengganu can follow us too because they stay with their relative house.

Around 11 a.m, we start to play ice skating. Kinda excited to be there because this is my 1st time..The payment for the entrancement was RM13 only for those who already brought with them gloves and socks. I paid Rm21 to include the gloves as I didn't bring it. Then we were given an ice skating shoes based on our size...

The real ice skating began...It was very difficult to stand up and balance my body for the 1st time...Then after a few practice, I did manage to balance myself and make a slow move... I'm just pretty jealous to aqil because he did skating like a pro...Maybe he is a kind of good in many activities...a bless from Allah..

We play nearly 3 hours.. Quite exhausted.. Then we took a lunch..

Ok, this is just a few from me...just want to share my experience.. because expert said sharing is caring...(btul ke?) I will end my writing with my result for matrix and upu. I got matrix at Penang and Tamhidi perubatan at Usim.. Pray that I make a wise choice..

Friday, April 24, 2009

Surprising MAK ...

23rd April ago, I was attending in Majlis Anugerah Kecemerlangan (MAK). I came one day earlier for rehearsal as stated in the invitation letter. Few of my friends were already there two days earlier before the MAK. I was told by my friends that the rehearsal will be started 11a.m but actually at 2.30p.m. The rehearsal was last for 2-3 hours. I brought my beg to my former hostel at ground floor khalid which was designated for visitors. Some of my friends were very surprise (1st surprise) when he saw me maybe I was the one who never being expected to get straight A's. Alhamdulillah...

The real MAK now arrived...I came with a long sleeve clothe and tie. Then I wear jubah UIA (x-convocation UIA clothe). Wow!! I did not know how to figure out my feeling at that time. It's like you've been graduated from university...I waited for other x-students to come beside the kisas hall before entering the hall. After that, we had to enter the hall and sit at the given number. I'm still wondering why I sat in front near to Gemilang students (11A1) and near to someone who got more than one awards. I had to hear a long speech from VIP, Tengku Putri (agong's sister) ,x-ki student and pengetua...Also a 'new style' kisasian nasyid team and choral speaking...

Then, the time had come for me to be on the stage. I did what i should do; give honour to Tengku putri, smile, receive my award and say thanks..Suddenly, the VIP gives me two awards!! (2nd surprise). I took a look of it, I also was given an award for 'lonjakan sarjana'!! There was no 'lonjakan saujana' written in my invitation letter and in the booklet for the visitors... My curiosity is now answered...That's why I sat in front..

I checked my certificate to make sure of it...And to see weather I get any money.. No money inside.. (3rd surprise, surprise ke?? ) because if I'm not mistaken, excellent students for the past year were given RM40 for each award. If this really happen, I might get RM 80...But it's ok..I feel very happy because my toiled and hardworking to achieve this result is paid off..Alhamdulillah..

To my friends who did not get straight A's in this recently SPM examinations, please don't be dissapointed of your result, this is just the beginning of our true life. Maybe you will achieve a better result in university exam or in your working life...doakan untuk kejayaan kita bersama...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Im back!! MARA??

After a very long time not writing any post, im back!

Actually my computer was two times broken, 1st after rain water enter my pc..2nd because of a virus...I don't know that my computer didn't have a good last i buy a new stronger one-Panda Internet Security...Very expensive but maybe this would prevent my computer from any kind of virus..expensive but reliable..

Mara interview

14th, day before interview..I finished up any related things t do for interview; find a good clothe, tie, socks, shoes, things to bring there and of coarse train myself to speak. I slept lately that night because i tried to find a good answer for each interview question and my sister help me too. (bad habits!! Don't try this at home!!) Actually this should be done earlier...

15th, day of interview...

I did the routine that i should do, bathing, praying, eating and a new things; to wear a clothe with a!! I.m not a school students anymore~!! I stepped out from my house at 7.15a.m hoping to arrive there 30 minutes before my interview-9.00am. My father accompany me along the way to go there by taking the train because Mara office is very near to the Bank Negara KTM Station and the road to go there was very busy. A very huge crowded of people already in the train and we had to stand along the way to the mara office.

I arrived there and there was already many students in Mara's lobby. I took time walking around and mingle with a few other interviewee. Then, the interviewee have to show their scholarships offer letter, psychology test certificate taken from the internet, Ic card and application form before they were given a 'visitor pass'. Then, there was an announcement about where each panel situated. Mine at 23rd floor which was for panel 17. Seriously, all interviewee should pay attention on this announcement because there were some students still searching their floor although they already at my floor-23rd floor and still asking me where was he supposed to go. I just said i dunno..

I took time mingle with other interviewee again. They were MRSM students and we tried to speak English before our name were called. One by one name were called and my name was the last name being called. I took time ask other interviewee concerning the interview and they said the interviewers were friendly which make me relief a lot.

The time has come for me which determine my life whether im qualified to get this scholarship or not. I gave salam and did the sweetest smile ever. (i didn't know how it looks like..) .I forgot to ask permission for my sit or to wait for his offer for the sit. They were two female interviewer and both look friendly. I kept maintain my smile and gave all the things needed by the interviewer and the interview started. Some of the questions given to me were; (lebih kurang)
1) Which country you want to choose and why?
2) Why Jordan not UK?
3) Why MARA not JPA?
4) How about your family? Do they agree?
5) Do yo bother if male doctor threat your wife?
6)What and why you choose your specialist?
7)Which one is better to be a doctor, male or female?
8)Why do you think you deserve this scholarship?
No question;
1)introduce yourself (weird)
2)no current issue
3)no discussion

Then i finished up the interview by asking them a few question. Maybe this would help to show my passionate...

1)When would Mara announce the result for the interview ?

Ans: middle of May

2)If I want to further my study in PhD, can I apply Mara?

Ans: you have to reapply

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Kali pertama buat tagged ni.. Sebenarnye tagged ni dah lame dah.. tp buat jela..

Date of birth?

Best present yg pernh dpt?
PS 2 jela kot (abang bagi)..dapat masa dapat 5A UPSR, tapi yang sedihnye tak ada pulak dapat bende yang best bile 9A PMR...sob3... tapi tetap gembira sebab keputusan dua2 tu cemerlang..alhamdulillah..

Gift yg diimpikan?
Hidayah...(bukan nama orang erk !!)
gift jugakkan?

Favourite color?
biru, kelabu, hitam, indigo, kuning cair dan merah. (Rumah omar ??)

favourite no.?
entah la, x pernah terfikir pulak nak memikirkn nombor kesukaan...tapi suka juga dengan nombor 19 dan 91 sebab tarikh lahirku.. huhuh

best place yg ingin dijejaki?

Rasa bahagia bile?
lepas dapat keputusan baik dan bila dapat tahu "tahniah anda layak untuk mendapat biasiswa mara..."

Favourite movie?
entah la..aku layan je memane movie pun terutamanye yang ade unsur lawak...

Favourite artist?
aku sebenarnye suke lagunye je... x plk suke artistnye...huhuh

Tagged pd sape?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Four day with primary school student.

It was a Bahasa Melayu weeks in SK Kelana Jaya 1. My friend, Muhamad invited me to be a facilitator in this programme. With an ample of holidays, I decided to take his invitation. Instead of having fun with children and gain lots of experience, I got certificate too which i think it is come in handy for me as an interviewee for MARA scholarship this 15th April. For the first day which is Tuesday, i manage to invite Yen too to join this programme. Lots of designated facilitator can't come for the first day because some of them had JPA interview probably three of them who were Naufal, Epul and Baihaqi.


A programme for year one students. They were rather naughtier and more talkative than the standard 2 and 3. We didn't manage to organize the programme perfectly today but i can consider the programme as 'good'. It was about spelling words. They have to identify the picture given and complete the missing letter. Most of them could do it well and some of them can't say even a words. Next, a standard 2 students continue with a reading programme. They were divided into few groups and one group would read one book. The best group with a best intonation in reading would have the highest mark.Hopefully this programme will help them to improve their spelling and reading skills.


Today is more cheerful and exciting than yesterday because today's programme more at running and group work instead of learning. The programme made for standard 3 and 4 were quite similar and the difference was only the difficulties of each question. Looks like they little bit enjoy the programme.


Today was the day for standard 5 and 6 students programme. Actually we planned an explorace for both standard but because of it was a rainy day, we changed our plan and immediately decide the new plan. At last we decide to make Run and Paste programme for standard 5 students. They just have to take a manila cards with a words and paste it to a correct answer on the board. Next, we made a little bit more excited for standard 6. Each group have to put suitable words to each 'penjodoh bilangan' and the winner is the one who collect the most correct words in each place.


Friday is the closing day of Malays week in this school. We as a facilitator do nothing except to waitfor the gift and certificate. I got certificate, a chocolate and a note book. Im quite exhausted this week but really satisfied of myself because i can't believe that i can be a facilitator.
Alhamdulillah, I manage to finish up this programme..

p/s: Sorry Azim, I took ur picture...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

JPJ test...

Alhamdulillah, today at last i past jpj test for both motorcycle and car license. Now, i just have to wait for the license card. At first, just like facing other exams, im really nervous. I don't want to make a second payment just to make license! I guess it is better if i put the money (if i have to make a second payment) for charity.

There, i met three of my old school friends. Two of them from my former primary school, SK Raja Muda. They are Fawwaz Azhari and Eddy Iskandar. Really didn't expect to see them and miss them a lot. I manage to take a few time talking with Fawwaz while waiting for my name to being called and i didn't have a chance to talk with eddy because he look busy and maybe he didn't recognize me. Next one is from my former secondary school, SMKA Maahad Hamidiah. His name quite resemble with mine, Azfar Syukri. He was the former BADAR president in Maahad. Talking with him help me a lot to kill my boredom because of his style and his speaking. Huhuhu...

I took motor test in first session and vehicle test in secong session. My turn was 75. It was a rainy day when i took my motor test. Quite tough taking test in rainy day at first, but finally i manage to do the test better than what i thought because as what i wrote above, i don't want to take test for the second time! I got 12/14 for the second part and 19/20 for the third part in motorcycle test. Next, i need to wait for my name being called to get the certificate result. I felt relief at this time....

I skip lunch and took time to pray zohor together with azfar. After that, i took car test. Firstly, I have to drive on the hill, make a parking and three corner. I past them with flying colour because i got all correct! Next to drive on the street. I kept calm myself and I did what being thought by my teacher. Alhamdulillah i past it too. I got 17/20. I didn't manage to get straight mark but at least i past...

Im then go home with a big smile on my face because i past all the jpj test only for the first test. Alhamdulillah....

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Step by step...

Day by day, im getting older and older without realizing that im now no longer a school student. After 6 years in primary school and 5 years in secondary school, I getting into university world. Time past by and i felt quite regret because i didn't manage my long holiday properly. More at wasting time playing games, watching tv, and sleeping. The announcement of spm result just left us a few day ago. Alhamdulillah i got quite good result which i think qualified me to apply scholarship...maybe...This result really give me a sense of satisfaction because i've done many things to achieve this good result. I just keep my finger across that i will get this scholarship to pursue oversea studies in medicine.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

About maulidur rasul...

Maulidul Rasul day is just away a few day ago. This is some video that i would like to share for this Maulidul Rasul day.Hopefully we could have some benefits from this video...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What is this feeling...?

the announcement of the SPM result is just around the corner! really scared about it...
Now I would like to beg forgiveness to anyone who had been hurt by me...please forgive me....
plus, please together we pray to each other for our results. We had given our best in exam...Just tawakal right now....

Monday, March 2, 2009

My favourite Computer Games...

yup..I've my own favorite computer games. Just want to write something...huhuh... It is about strategy games. You need to plan a strategy to defeat ur rivals. The games is Warcraft III The Frozen Throne. I fulfill my spare time with this games and it's difficult to me to forget this games because I'm really addicted to this games! Hopefully this games doesn't interrupt my studies and my ibadah.

These are some of my favorite games:
  1. Warcraft III, The Frozen Throne.
  2. Red Alert 2, The Yuri Revenge
  3. Starcraft
  4. Stronghold Crusader
  5. Age of Empire

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

BaGaiManAkAh iBadaH KiTa?

Ini antara tazkirah yang ak dapat daripada Baitul Qura'. Secara langsung dan tidak langsung...


Mengenai kedudukan tgn kite semasa solat ketika berdiri. Semasa solat kite ade nmpk pelbagai ragam kedudukan tgn yg dibuat oleh masyarakat kite. Sebenarnye terdapat banyak pendapat mengenai perkare ini. Pada zaman rasulullah, kedudukan tgn juga brbeza dalam kalangan sahabat rasulullah.
a)Kedudukan tgn Saidina Abu Bakar ialah di dada. Rasulullah bertanya pd beliau. Mengapa engkau berbuat demikian? Beliau menjawab "ak ingin menjaga hatiku ini yg sering lupa akan Allah." Lalu Rasulullah membenarkannye.
b)Kedudukan tangan Saidina Umar pula ialah berada di perut. Maka Baginda Rasulullah bertanyakn pd Umar, Mengapa berbuat demikian? Jwb Saidina Umar, ak sering lalai dgn nikmat Allah dgn makanan dan minuman dalam perutku. Rasulullah membenarkannya.
c)Kedudukan tangan Saidina Uthman pula adalah di atas kemaluan beliau. Maka Rasulullah bertanya kepada beliau, mengapa berbuat demikian? Maka Saidina Uthman menjawab "ak malu dgn Allah dgn kemaluanku ini." Lalu Rasulullah membenarkannya.
d)Kedudukan tangan Saidina Ali pula adalah di sisi badannya. Maka ditanya Rasulllah kepadanya mengapa berbuat demikian? "Saidina Ali menjawab ak mengikutimu ya Rasulullah.".
Pendapat Imam Syafie
1)Di perut (perkara yang selalu dipraktiskan kebanyakan daripada kita)
2)Di sisi badan (jangan trkejut klu ade imam yg berbuat begini kerana ini
adalah pendapat kedua imam Syafie)


Kita sering melihat saf antara jemaah putus-putus. Adakah solat kita sempurna?Lurus dan rapatkan saf merupakan suatu kesempurnaan solat.

  1. Saf mestilah lurus.
  2. Kaki hendaklah bercantum antara jemaah. Caranya ialah dengan membuka kaki seluas bahu kita supaya bahu kita juga bercantum dengan jemaah lain. (Allah akan menyatukan hati-hati orang mukmin dengan berbuat demikian, sumber akh-hafiz dr hadith ke pndapat ulama', x pasti)
  3. Tangan perlu bercantum antara satu sama lain.

Tambahan daripada sumber lain, ada saintis yang membuat kajian dan terkejut kerana melalui kajiannya, dia mendapati apabila saf umat islam bercantum, maka akan ada pengaliran caj positif dan negatif antara jemaah untuk menyeimbangkan antara satu sama lain. Selain itu bilangan rakaat juga memainkan peranan;

  1. solat subuh, 2 rakaat kerana kita baru bangun daripada tidur.
  2. solat zohor, 4 rakaat kerana setelah penat kita bekerja daripada pagi hingga petang.
  3. solat asar, 4 rakaat kerana juga penat bekerja antara waktu zohor dan asar.
  4. solat maghrib, 3 rakaat kerana masa antara waktu asar dan maghrib tidak begitu lama.
  5. solat isyak pula 4 rakaat kerana untuk menghadapi waktu malam yang panjang.

Dr ust. Zul, semasa qamat, bilal tidak perlu berkata ''saf" seperti mana yang kite selalu dengar kerana perkara tersebut harus dilakukan oleh imam itu sendiri.


Semasa berdoa, kita hendaklah mendoakan kebaikan diri kita sendiri dan orang lain kerana terdapat sebuah cerita mengenainya; Iblis yang dulunya adalah malaikat merupakan salah satu pemimpin malaikat pada waktu seketika dahulu. Pada suatu hari, tersebar suatu perkara iaitu salah seorang daripada mereka (malaikat) akan berpaling tadah daripada mentaati perintah Allah. Maka banyak malaikat lain meminta Malaikat ni (Iblis) supaya mendoakan malaikat lain supaya tidak tergolong dalam golongan yang diperkatakan sebentar tadi. Dia pun berdoa tetapi lupa untuk mendoakan dirinya sendiri. Akhirnya golongan yang diperkatakan sebentar tadi merupakan diri dia sendiri. Moralnya, kita hendaklah mendoakan diri kita dan orang lain semasa doa.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Im In DilEmMa? arghhh...

It is about my future. Im actually doesn't know what to be when Im adult. Day by day, the scariest day will appear a month from now which is taking the SPM result. But Im still thinking what Im gonna be in the future. A doctor? Businessman? An engineer?

Some people might said "Please widen your mind! There are lots of career other than a doctor". But still, i wanna be a doctor which I dreamed to be since I'm form 1. But now, when I looked back in my school world, Biology and Chemistry is really a tough subject. This make me drooling in dilemma what im gonna be in the future? But still, I try my best to love those subject. I still remember my past examination. I got fail in Chemistry for the March test in form 5. How it could be? Wanna be a doctor but still got fail in related subject? arghhh...noooo....At that time I'm always thinking should I be a doctor? After that nightmare, I pulled my socks and I wanted to study as hard as I could for Chemistry. Almost 1/3 of my study time I gave to Chemistry. Thankfully for the next exam, I got D in Chemistry. Then, in my trial exam, I got B for Chemistry. Wow! Alhamdulillah! I never expected to get that grade. My toiled and hardworking is paid off. I cannot figure out my feeling at that time.

How about Biology? This is my favourite subject! This subject is also pretty tough but not as tough as Chemistry. I just need to be a bookworm if I want to score the subject. This is because the subject is about the fact and theory. On the contrary,for chemistry subject, I need to understand in every chapter because if i don't understand the pass chapter, it difficult to me understand the next chapter. Isn't it? This is just personal point of view. So, should I be a doctor? hmmm....

Insyaallah this is me in the future....
please pray for me...

Thursday, February 19, 2009


ak tau yg korg x brape paham dgn english broken yg telah ak gunakan sebentar tadi...jd baik ak tukar dengan bhs Melayu sbb nanti korg x faham, ak pun x faham... huhuh

Sekarang, ak baru dpt lesen L untuk motor dan kereta. Sebelum nak amik lesen, rs berat senanye ak baru rs yg amik lesen nie satu bende yang best...

Memula ak daftar dekat NHR driveng licence, gementar menyelubungi diriku...(la..lesen je pun) ak cume harap semasa pendaftaran ade kwn tp x de...jd trpkselah cari kwn...ade jumpe sorg mamat nie ingtkn satu bdge rupenye br form 4...die x tau plk yg ak nie br abis spm sbb die ingtkn ak ponteng klas sbb ari tu ari rabu...jd masing2 mencebikkn muka n menyombong...
Klas teori brjln dgn lancar n pengajarnye merupakn kwn ayahku jd die juge selalu berguro dgnku. Dlm klas die asyik memerliku dan pandai membuat jenaka...klas abis pukul 3 ptg...

Seterusnye pd ari sabtu plk ade ujian undang2...mlm sblm tu ingtkn nk relks tp x pela...ak cume pikir satu ari je pun...jd mlm tu bace la buku KPP. Dptla baca beberapa mukasurat seblm memejamkan mata. Esok paginye ak smbung baca trmskla dlm kerete spnjang prjlnn ke Meru...smpai kt situ ingtkn bleh trus buat rupenye kena tunggu giliran. Hari tu ak lupe hendak memakai kasut kerana tergesa2 krn takut lwt...jd brcadng utk pinjm kasut dr org yg br ak sehari x jd sbb ak brjaya menyorokkn seliparku dr pndngan pengawal.Huh!...lega...Ak dtg pd pukul kire2 8.30 pg tp hanya dpt menduduki ujian pd pukul 11.30 pg! nape lmbt sgt nie...! perasaan marah ade, seke pun ade sbb ak ade masa utk bace buku tu..huhuh...msk dgn tawakal n alhamdulillah lps jgk...x byk pun 46/ ak ttp syukur sbb ade gk org yg amik smpai 2,3 kali tp ak amik skali je...alhamdulillah...

Seterusnye, pd hari len ak brpeluang utk menaikli gk cume ssh skit nk lps yg kene pusing kon diajar bgimane nk brek emergency, naek ats lorong kecik n praktis ape yg ak blajr dlm klas exp signal lampu, tgn n ape perlu dibuat sblm mennggang which ak tau x ramai yg praktis nie...

Pstu ak smbung dgn kls kete...pstu amali iaitu ak ditunjuk care nk bwk kete, parking, 3 penjuru, naik bukit, ssh skit nk paham tp bg ak x pe la..nnti ade yg bestnye org yg ajar nie belanja ak n lg sog bdk pompuan nie minum air kelapa fresh...fuhhh!! Segar btul...

continue dgn prktis iaitu ak diajar oleh en.siddiq care bwk kete dll di Meru...memula gabra skit tp lme2 ok sbb mamat ni baik giler...ak pun brknln ngn die, borak2 dn br ak tau rupenye die br 4 hari keje kt Malaysia...Sblm nie die keje kt Singapore...die kt die dtg sbb kgawatan ekonomi? ntah...lps diajar mcm2, die suruh ak bwk plk...parking n 3 penjuru bleh kt sng gk la tp nek bukit nie je yg ak rs payah skit...pstu die suruh ak bwk kt jln raye...1st time tuh...ari prtama lg dh bwk kt jln raye...memule cm biase gabra skit tp lme2 ok...ak siap disuruh bwk kete dr Meru ke umah ak Shah Alam lg...huh...cuak giler n cm x pecaye ak brjaya lakukan nye...yg best psl mamat nie ialah die pndai bhs cina baik kantonis ataupun mandarin.Tp die lg power dlm kantonis la...die ade la ajr ak skit2...yg ak ingt cume die ajr 'saya' dlm kantonis ialah 'ngo' dan kamu 'lei', (mahu/nak) dlm bhs kantonis 'tu'...die ade ar citer pngalamn die die mrh org cine sbb kutuk die dlm bhs die x paham...huhuh,jd apa lg die pun mrh org cine ni dlm bhs cine jgk....trkejut beruk org cina nie...die pun mintk maaf...Best giler klu kuasai byk bhs erk...tringin plk ak time tuh...pstu trlupe plk die juge kuasai bhs hindustan...perg!! power giler la mamat nie....power giler...ak hrp satu ari nnti ak akn kuasainye...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Reminder....

one of the tzkirah that really give me a great impact is about the end of the world...

i could never forget the tzkirah because the tzkirah made the people who heard the tzkirah crying and gave their full attention to the tzkirah...

i felt quite regret of myself because i didn't bring my note book to write what ever i got from the tzkirah because the tzkirah is different with any most of the tzkirah that i heard before...

the tzkirah is opened with a recitation of 'ratib al-hadad' lead by the grandchild of the imam al-hadad, Habib Abdul Rahman Al-Haddad. This recitation is quite similar with 'mathurat' made by imam hassan al-banna...but there was an additional recitation such as the 'doa', additional zikir and the number of recitation...

he told the member of the mosque about the advantages of reciting this 'ratib' of them is the reciter will bring his or her house and the neighbourhood being protected from thieves with god's will....

then he gave us some tzkirah but i couldn't remember much...,but the things that i wanna to tell you is about the life at the end of the world...

This is the summary his book...

firstly, all the human who have 'la ilaha illallah' in their heart will die after malaikat israfil blowing 'sengkal-kala' on the behind only kafir n musyrik...they willl face the nightmare which is hari qiamat...(so, pray a lot so that we will not be one of them...)

then the rain will pour on the earth, and the dead will raise in this other world which is padang mahsyar. In this place, all human from nabi adam to umat nabi Muhammad is waiting for their judgement. Some said that most of the humans was drowning in their own sweat.( We never see this in the real world!) Then, all humans are really busy with their matters...their debt, wrongdoing, and many more....(pay ur debt now!...) They will pay their debt with their 'amal'. Also, the human searching their prophet. Nabi Adab, Nabi Musa, Nabi Ibrahim and other prophets said 'nafsi2',except our beloved prophet, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. he said 'ummati2'...the one who will find him there is only the one who his or her mouth full with salawat...(so, think again are we one of them?). All our amal exp solat, good deed, sedekah in the world will be shown in front of all the human. So, just imagine if we had done many sins in the world...all human will see what had you done including your family, friends and many more. (think twice if we want to do a bad things....)

then we step ahead with Al-Mizan. What ever that we had done in the world will be weight weather our good deed or our bad deed is heavier. If our good deed is heavier then our sins will be forgiven by Allah and we will enter to the heaven. But if it is opposite, we will enter the hell to clean up all our sins before we enter the heaven and it is only if you are muslim. Can you imagine the lightest pain is your brain will burn and even only one droplet from the hell could burn the whole thing in the world! And there is a good news for the one who always salawat; our beloved rasulullah will be waiting behind our good deeds and give his syafaat to the one who always remember him and recite lots of salawat. So, pray that we will be the one who will be given syafaat because all our sins will be forgiven.

Next, we will across the bridge which is only 1/7 our one hair. (How it could be?) The Solihin and Mukminin will across the bridge easily towards the heaven and in contrary, the sinners cannot across propally and will fall down to the hell (nauzubillah). There are many kind of people acrossing the bridge; some's crawling, acrossing with high speed and many more. Also, in this step, our beloved prophet Rasulullah will be waiting for us in front of the heaven and again saying 'ummati'. Could you imagine about the Kafirin? They will get into the hell forever! The hell door will close forever! (nauzubillah) So, if you see your non-muslim friends, think again do you want him or her to get into the hell forever? Begin dakwah now!

Rasulullah had said that "the failure of this dead yahudi to be muslim is my failure"
Now, let us take him as an example and take our first step to dakwah...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The opening of my page...

i am a simple man....
a person who need someone to advise and give their opinion to me....
althouht im not good in english but i think this blog might help me a lot....
as the saying goes 'practice make perfert'...
English language is now become a necessity in our life because everything is in english right now...
so, if you have any good suggestion and comment, please do it...

episodic memory

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