
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

BaGaiManAkAh iBadaH KiTa?

Ini antara tazkirah yang ak dapat daripada Baitul Qura'. Secara langsung dan tidak langsung...


Mengenai kedudukan tgn kite semasa solat ketika berdiri. Semasa solat kite ade nmpk pelbagai ragam kedudukan tgn yg dibuat oleh masyarakat kite. Sebenarnye terdapat banyak pendapat mengenai perkare ini. Pada zaman rasulullah, kedudukan tgn juga brbeza dalam kalangan sahabat rasulullah.
a)Kedudukan tgn Saidina Abu Bakar ialah di dada. Rasulullah bertanya pd beliau. Mengapa engkau berbuat demikian? Beliau menjawab "ak ingin menjaga hatiku ini yg sering lupa akan Allah." Lalu Rasulullah membenarkannye.
b)Kedudukan tangan Saidina Umar pula ialah berada di perut. Maka Baginda Rasulullah bertanyakn pd Umar, Mengapa berbuat demikian? Jwb Saidina Umar, ak sering lalai dgn nikmat Allah dgn makanan dan minuman dalam perutku. Rasulullah membenarkannya.
c)Kedudukan tangan Saidina Uthman pula adalah di atas kemaluan beliau. Maka Rasulullah bertanya kepada beliau, mengapa berbuat demikian? Maka Saidina Uthman menjawab "ak malu dgn Allah dgn kemaluanku ini." Lalu Rasulullah membenarkannya.
d)Kedudukan tangan Saidina Ali pula adalah di sisi badannya. Maka ditanya Rasulllah kepadanya mengapa berbuat demikian? "Saidina Ali menjawab ak mengikutimu ya Rasulullah.".
Pendapat Imam Syafie
1)Di perut (perkara yang selalu dipraktiskan kebanyakan daripada kita)
2)Di sisi badan (jangan trkejut klu ade imam yg berbuat begini kerana ini
adalah pendapat kedua imam Syafie)


Kita sering melihat saf antara jemaah putus-putus. Adakah solat kita sempurna?Lurus dan rapatkan saf merupakan suatu kesempurnaan solat.

  1. Saf mestilah lurus.
  2. Kaki hendaklah bercantum antara jemaah. Caranya ialah dengan membuka kaki seluas bahu kita supaya bahu kita juga bercantum dengan jemaah lain. (Allah akan menyatukan hati-hati orang mukmin dengan berbuat demikian, sumber akh-hafiz dr hadith ke pndapat ulama', x pasti)
  3. Tangan perlu bercantum antara satu sama lain.

Tambahan daripada sumber lain, ada saintis yang membuat kajian dan terkejut kerana melalui kajiannya, dia mendapati apabila saf umat islam bercantum, maka akan ada pengaliran caj positif dan negatif antara jemaah untuk menyeimbangkan antara satu sama lain. Selain itu bilangan rakaat juga memainkan peranan;

  1. solat subuh, 2 rakaat kerana kita baru bangun daripada tidur.
  2. solat zohor, 4 rakaat kerana setelah penat kita bekerja daripada pagi hingga petang.
  3. solat asar, 4 rakaat kerana juga penat bekerja antara waktu zohor dan asar.
  4. solat maghrib, 3 rakaat kerana masa antara waktu asar dan maghrib tidak begitu lama.
  5. solat isyak pula 4 rakaat kerana untuk menghadapi waktu malam yang panjang.

Dr ust. Zul, semasa qamat, bilal tidak perlu berkata ''saf" seperti mana yang kite selalu dengar kerana perkara tersebut harus dilakukan oleh imam itu sendiri.


Semasa berdoa, kita hendaklah mendoakan kebaikan diri kita sendiri dan orang lain kerana terdapat sebuah cerita mengenainya; Iblis yang dulunya adalah malaikat merupakan salah satu pemimpin malaikat pada waktu seketika dahulu. Pada suatu hari, tersebar suatu perkara iaitu salah seorang daripada mereka (malaikat) akan berpaling tadah daripada mentaati perintah Allah. Maka banyak malaikat lain meminta Malaikat ni (Iblis) supaya mendoakan malaikat lain supaya tidak tergolong dalam golongan yang diperkatakan sebentar tadi. Dia pun berdoa tetapi lupa untuk mendoakan dirinya sendiri. Akhirnya golongan yang diperkatakan sebentar tadi merupakan diri dia sendiri. Moralnya, kita hendaklah mendoakan diri kita dan orang lain semasa doa.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Im In DilEmMa? arghhh...

It is about my future. Im actually doesn't know what to be when Im adult. Day by day, the scariest day will appear a month from now which is taking the SPM result. But Im still thinking what Im gonna be in the future. A doctor? Businessman? An engineer?

Some people might said "Please widen your mind! There are lots of career other than a doctor". But still, i wanna be a doctor which I dreamed to be since I'm form 1. But now, when I looked back in my school world, Biology and Chemistry is really a tough subject. This make me drooling in dilemma what im gonna be in the future? But still, I try my best to love those subject. I still remember my past examination. I got fail in Chemistry for the March test in form 5. How it could be? Wanna be a doctor but still got fail in related subject? arghhh...noooo....At that time I'm always thinking should I be a doctor? After that nightmare, I pulled my socks and I wanted to study as hard as I could for Chemistry. Almost 1/3 of my study time I gave to Chemistry. Thankfully for the next exam, I got D in Chemistry. Then, in my trial exam, I got B for Chemistry. Wow! Alhamdulillah! I never expected to get that grade. My toiled and hardworking is paid off. I cannot figure out my feeling at that time.

How about Biology? This is my favourite subject! This subject is also pretty tough but not as tough as Chemistry. I just need to be a bookworm if I want to score the subject. This is because the subject is about the fact and theory. On the contrary,for chemistry subject, I need to understand in every chapter because if i don't understand the pass chapter, it difficult to me understand the next chapter. Isn't it? This is just personal point of view. So, should I be a doctor? hmmm....

Insyaallah this is me in the future....
please pray for me...

Thursday, February 19, 2009


ak tau yg korg x brape paham dgn english broken yg telah ak gunakan sebentar tadi...jd baik ak tukar dengan bhs Melayu sbb nanti korg x faham, ak pun x faham... huhuh

Sekarang, ak baru dpt lesen L untuk motor dan kereta. Sebelum nak amik lesen, rs berat senanye ak baru rs yg amik lesen nie satu bende yang best...

Memula ak daftar dekat NHR driveng licence, gementar menyelubungi diriku...(la..lesen je pun) ak cume harap semasa pendaftaran ade kwn tp x de...jd trpkselah cari kwn...ade jumpe sorg mamat nie ingtkn satu bdge rupenye br form 4...die x tau plk yg ak nie br abis spm sbb die ingtkn ak ponteng klas sbb ari tu ari rabu...jd masing2 mencebikkn muka n menyombong...
Klas teori brjln dgn lancar n pengajarnye merupakn kwn ayahku jd die juge selalu berguro dgnku. Dlm klas die asyik memerliku dan pandai membuat jenaka...klas abis pukul 3 ptg...

Seterusnye pd ari sabtu plk ade ujian undang2...mlm sblm tu ingtkn nk relks tp x pela...ak cume pikir satu ari je pun...jd mlm tu bace la buku KPP. Dptla baca beberapa mukasurat seblm memejamkan mata. Esok paginye ak smbung baca trmskla dlm kerete spnjang prjlnn ke Meru...smpai kt situ ingtkn bleh trus buat rupenye kena tunggu giliran. Hari tu ak lupe hendak memakai kasut kerana tergesa2 krn takut lwt...jd brcadng utk pinjm kasut dr org yg br ak sehari x jd sbb ak brjaya menyorokkn seliparku dr pndngan pengawal.Huh!...lega...Ak dtg pd pukul kire2 8.30 pg tp hanya dpt menduduki ujian pd pukul 11.30 pg! nape lmbt sgt nie...! perasaan marah ade, seke pun ade sbb ak ade masa utk bace buku tu..huhuh...msk dgn tawakal n alhamdulillah lps jgk...x byk pun 46/ ak ttp syukur sbb ade gk org yg amik smpai 2,3 kali tp ak amik skali je...alhamdulillah...

Seterusnye, pd hari len ak brpeluang utk menaikli gk cume ssh skit nk lps yg kene pusing kon diajar bgimane nk brek emergency, naek ats lorong kecik n praktis ape yg ak blajr dlm klas exp signal lampu, tgn n ape perlu dibuat sblm mennggang which ak tau x ramai yg praktis nie...

Pstu ak smbung dgn kls kete...pstu amali iaitu ak ditunjuk care nk bwk kete, parking, 3 penjuru, naik bukit, ssh skit nk paham tp bg ak x pe la..nnti ade yg bestnye org yg ajar nie belanja ak n lg sog bdk pompuan nie minum air kelapa fresh...fuhhh!! Segar btul...

continue dgn prktis iaitu ak diajar oleh en.siddiq care bwk kete dll di Meru...memula gabra skit tp lme2 ok sbb mamat ni baik giler...ak pun brknln ngn die, borak2 dn br ak tau rupenye die br 4 hari keje kt Malaysia...Sblm nie die keje kt Singapore...die kt die dtg sbb kgawatan ekonomi? ntah...lps diajar mcm2, die suruh ak bwk plk...parking n 3 penjuru bleh kt sng gk la tp nek bukit nie je yg ak rs payah skit...pstu die suruh ak bwk kt jln raye...1st time tuh...ari prtama lg dh bwk kt jln raye...memule cm biase gabra skit tp lme2 ok...ak siap disuruh bwk kete dr Meru ke umah ak Shah Alam lg...huh...cuak giler n cm x pecaye ak brjaya lakukan nye...yg best psl mamat nie ialah die pndai bhs cina baik kantonis ataupun mandarin.Tp die lg power dlm kantonis la...die ade la ajr ak skit2...yg ak ingt cume die ajr 'saya' dlm kantonis ialah 'ngo' dan kamu 'lei', (mahu/nak) dlm bhs kantonis 'tu'...die ade ar citer pngalamn die die mrh org cine sbb kutuk die dlm bhs die x paham...huhuh,jd apa lg die pun mrh org cine ni dlm bhs cine jgk....trkejut beruk org cina nie...die pun mintk maaf...Best giler klu kuasai byk bhs erk...tringin plk ak time tuh...pstu trlupe plk die juge kuasai bhs hindustan...perg!! power giler la mamat nie....power giler...ak hrp satu ari nnti ak akn kuasainye...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Reminder....

one of the tzkirah that really give me a great impact is about the end of the world...

i could never forget the tzkirah because the tzkirah made the people who heard the tzkirah crying and gave their full attention to the tzkirah...

i felt quite regret of myself because i didn't bring my note book to write what ever i got from the tzkirah because the tzkirah is different with any most of the tzkirah that i heard before...

the tzkirah is opened with a recitation of 'ratib al-hadad' lead by the grandchild of the imam al-hadad, Habib Abdul Rahman Al-Haddad. This recitation is quite similar with 'mathurat' made by imam hassan al-banna...but there was an additional recitation such as the 'doa', additional zikir and the number of recitation...

he told the member of the mosque about the advantages of reciting this 'ratib' of them is the reciter will bring his or her house and the neighbourhood being protected from thieves with god's will....

then he gave us some tzkirah but i couldn't remember much...,but the things that i wanna to tell you is about the life at the end of the world...

This is the summary his book...

firstly, all the human who have 'la ilaha illallah' in their heart will die after malaikat israfil blowing 'sengkal-kala' on the behind only kafir n musyrik...they willl face the nightmare which is hari qiamat...(so, pray a lot so that we will not be one of them...)

then the rain will pour on the earth, and the dead will raise in this other world which is padang mahsyar. In this place, all human from nabi adam to umat nabi Muhammad is waiting for their judgement. Some said that most of the humans was drowning in their own sweat.( We never see this in the real world!) Then, all humans are really busy with their matters...their debt, wrongdoing, and many more....(pay ur debt now!...) They will pay their debt with their 'amal'. Also, the human searching their prophet. Nabi Adab, Nabi Musa, Nabi Ibrahim and other prophets said 'nafsi2',except our beloved prophet, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. he said 'ummati2'...the one who will find him there is only the one who his or her mouth full with salawat...(so, think again are we one of them?). All our amal exp solat, good deed, sedekah in the world will be shown in front of all the human. So, just imagine if we had done many sins in the world...all human will see what had you done including your family, friends and many more. (think twice if we want to do a bad things....)

then we step ahead with Al-Mizan. What ever that we had done in the world will be weight weather our good deed or our bad deed is heavier. If our good deed is heavier then our sins will be forgiven by Allah and we will enter to the heaven. But if it is opposite, we will enter the hell to clean up all our sins before we enter the heaven and it is only if you are muslim. Can you imagine the lightest pain is your brain will burn and even only one droplet from the hell could burn the whole thing in the world! And there is a good news for the one who always salawat; our beloved rasulullah will be waiting behind our good deeds and give his syafaat to the one who always remember him and recite lots of salawat. So, pray that we will be the one who will be given syafaat because all our sins will be forgiven.

Next, we will across the bridge which is only 1/7 our one hair. (How it could be?) The Solihin and Mukminin will across the bridge easily towards the heaven and in contrary, the sinners cannot across propally and will fall down to the hell (nauzubillah). There are many kind of people acrossing the bridge; some's crawling, acrossing with high speed and many more. Also, in this step, our beloved prophet Rasulullah will be waiting for us in front of the heaven and again saying 'ummati'. Could you imagine about the Kafirin? They will get into the hell forever! The hell door will close forever! (nauzubillah) So, if you see your non-muslim friends, think again do you want him or her to get into the hell forever? Begin dakwah now!

Rasulullah had said that "the failure of this dead yahudi to be muslim is my failure"
Now, let us take him as an example and take our first step to dakwah...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The opening of my page...

i am a simple man....
a person who need someone to advise and give their opinion to me....
althouht im not good in english but i think this blog might help me a lot....
as the saying goes 'practice make perfert'...
English language is now become a necessity in our life because everything is in english right now...
so, if you have any good suggestion and comment, please do it...

episodic memory

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